Monday 27 August 2012


Here is the link to my Prezi on YouTube!


Melissa De Castillo (2008) Academic Libraries and YouTube
Viewed 10/6/2012

Emerald Productions (2009) Collingswood Library Promo
Viewed 10/6/2012

Digital Literacy, University of Illinois (2008) Mandeville Collection in the Occult Sciences Exhibit Archive
Viewed 10/6/2012 

University of Sydney (2008) Search smarter, Search faster
Viewed 10/6/2012
Cornell University Library (2008) Research Minutes: How to Identify Scholarly Journal Articles
Viewed 10/6/2012

Jessamyn West (2011) YouTube
Viewed 10/6/2012

Rochelle Mazar (2010) Prezi
Viewed 16/6/2012

State Library of Queensland (2011) Stephen Wiltshire draws Brisbane at State Library of Queensland
Viewed 16/6/2012
University of Florida (2008) Preservation of Pop Up and Moveable Books,
Conserving the Past
Viewed 16/6/2012 
Yavapai College Library (2007) An Afternoon Romp
Viewed 28/6/2012

The Art Institute of Washington Library (2008) Help Me, Ninja Librarian!

Viewed 8/7/2012

National Library of Australia (2008) Thriller
Viewed 8/7/2012

Anna Laura (2012) Exploring Social Networking in Libraries
Viewed 20/7/2012

Accredited Online Colleges (2011) 40 Cool Ways College Libraries Are Leveraging Social Media
Viewed 20/7/2012

Accredited Degrees (2008) 100 Awesome YouTube Vids for Librarians
Viewed 20/7/2012

Paula L Webb (2007) YouTube and Libraries, It could be a beautiful relationship 
Viewed 29/7/2012

(Not sure why the font size has changed for some references, Regardless of my efforts they are still rebelling.)


Sunday 6 May 2012


I have been a member of YouTube for a number of years and have used it to watch videos and music as well as help research school topics and easily added videos to my favourite list. YouTube has good and bad points for being used as a learning tool, if monitored and the videos have been previously watched and are a good source to show kids and even adults.
If it is used properly, other students can really benefit from watching a video about a topic that they are currently studying and possibly take more in and concentrate on the subject more.

I think that is a great reviewed website, not knowing about this website before I was searching the site and was interested that there were a number of different types of items on it video files as well as audio, documents, photos and channels which are divided up into good subject type categories.

I thought that this slideshow has a lot of good points as to why it is important to let students start using blogs and how that can benefit themselves and their school work. This video would have been better with more footage and information about blogs in general but I think that it is still a good video for younger students to also learn how they can use blogs effectively. 

I also thought I would add this video I thought that something like this would be really helpful for younger students learning math, this particular teacher has a couple of these ‘math rap videos’ which I thought were pretty innovative and interesting way to engage students.

I have also uploaded my 'How to' video to YouTube showing How to use the Polytechnic Learnign Centre catalogue to search what the library has in its collection. Here is the link to the video and I have also embedded it below.

How to video.

Monday 16 April 2012


                             Cat by â–ºCubaGallery
Cat, a photo by ►CubaGallery on Flickr.

I found this really lovely picture on flickr and I loved the colours and light in this image, and of course the kitty is cute too. ^_^
I trying looking up 'mash ups' and all that I could understand that they are app programs for flickr and other images to be altered online. But Im not to sure if this is correct or not.

I also took an image some of the shelves in the Learning Centre and uploaded it to my flickr account. I tagged it as PolyTAS.


I think the Delicious website is a very useful online tool. I can see how this can help others find reliable information or even a different way of presenting a particular topic. I believe that this can be useful in a library sense that if there are library users who are looking for particular websites, online learning games etc. Delicious could be a good starting point, to see what other people have put onto the website to share with others.

I like the idea that you can save all of your bookmarks externally from your personal computer. This is very useful so if you want to share a website with someone else when you don't have access to your own computer this is a good way to make sure you don't have those limitations.It is also a good way to 'back up' your bookmarks, keeping them online so if you upgrade your computer system or your hard drive is wiped you still have access to your bookmarks.
On my Delicious page Ive added some links to students blogs, tagging them with Polytechnic Tas, Student blogs etc. I also had some links there that I added last year.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Wiki's & Podcasts.

Exploring some of the library related wiki's that were found on WebCT were interesting to see different ways of how to set up & view a wiki. Some of the wiki's with the same type of layout as was really easy yet affective way to display a wiki. I enjoyed looking at this particular one.

Being set out like Wikipedia made this page easy to use, you are able to navigate either down the right hand side or read the lists of different links under each heading/group which take you to a new page. There is a lot of different links on the first page which are all important topics for library workers with other helpful websites.

The other wiki I thought was interesting and would be helpful for most libraries would be this one,

This has reviews on a number of books (grouped by genre) that are also linked to the catalogue record of that particular item on the Princeton Public Library catalogue.
I believe that the above link is a good way to incorporate library services with wiki's making reviews easily accessible to the library users (with links to the libraries catalogue on the main page) and then linking the book reviews to the item records on the catalogue to show users where it is located & if it is available. I believe that, this wiki would be valuable to the library users, and would help recreational readers with choosing reading material.

Podcasts are a good way to listen to different audio resources without having to directly download them to your computer, (unless the website provides this feature) with the podcast directories you can search through a large number to find topics that you are interested in. Some podcasts that are available from blogs give you the option to chat about it with other users or send it to others you know who would appreciate it. 

Here I have found an interesting podcast about banned books in Australia. They chat about a particular library that housed all of the banned books in Australia as well as the smallest things that would have made a book unsuitable for readers and therefore banned from libraries around Australia. 

Sunday 18 March 2012

RSS Feeds.

During this lesson we had to subscribe to a number of library related blogs through Google Reader which is located simply at I think the reader is a good application that can be very helpful and a time saver so that you're not constantly searching websites for new information, it is sent directly to you.

I don't really think that I would use this feature too much in my personal life because I do not visit many websites that are constantly being added to with new information and articles. In gerneral I do not spend a lot of time reading/finding new items online, but with the RSS reader I wouldnt have to spend time looking for new stories etc. to view, I can easily view all new updates on the one page of the Google Reader (when I can get them to show up!)
I think that RSS feeds for libraries are a very important online resource which is an easy was to keep up with any new information relating to the information industry and other local services which it can connect too. Library staff members wouldn't have time sent aside to search websites that they constantly use and refer to for updated information, this way they do not have to spent a large amount of time sifting through a large number of websites for new info.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Library blog.

I found this particular blog on technorati by a library tech in rural Vermont
who has posted a lot of useful info.

This blog is very user friendly, easy to browse and to locate information in the links at the bottom of the page which are on a number of different library related topics. There are other useful links avaliable on the blog as well including videos and links to other library blogs and articles.

This partiuclar blog has been in use since September 2003 so it has a lot of previous post's to scan through, the only downside to this is that some of the older links are broken and the content cannot be viewed. The rest of the blog is still an interesting read.

Jessamyn West . (September 2003). Big Talk From Small Libraries. In Retrieved 27/2/2012, from