I found this particular blog on technorati by a library tech in rural Vermont
who has posted a lot of useful info.
This blog is very user friendly, easy to browse and to locate information in the links at the bottom of the page which are on a number of different library related topics. There are other useful links avaliable on the blog as well including videos and links to other library blogs and articles.
This partiuclar blog has been in use since September 2003 so it has a lot of previous post's to scan through, the only downside to this is that some of the older links are broken and the content cannot be viewed. The rest of the blog is still an interesting read.
Jessamyn West . (September 2003). Big Talk From Small Libraries. In Librarian.net. Retrieved 27/2/2012, from http://www.librarian.net/.
Thanks Abbey an interesting blog, good citation info and evaluation includes the author's credential so all is good.
ReplyDeleteReally interesting blog about libraries and your blog looks great - Vannessa
ReplyDeleteA very informative library blog. It had many links to look through to research more information.
ReplyDeleteThought this Blog had a lot of interesting information. I also thought it was great how often she updates the information. Thank you for sharing.